David Del Pilar Potes is a black and white film photographer who works on documentary type photographs. Primarily he focuses on people and landscapes. Tonight his focus lands in Los Angeles for his book release party.
For many years David has produced small limited edition zines and in 2001 became one of the founders of a quarterly black and white photography magazine called hamburger eyes. Along side with his magazine he also produces commercial, editorial, and artistic photographs. He has held exhibitions in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, New York , Miami, and Toronto.
The Book called “The History of the Dodo” will be released at the Family Bookstore in Los Angeles and the event begins at 7:30pm. A catalogue of the exhibition will be available on the night 120 pages bound and limited to only 300 copies. “The History of the Dodo” is a narrative about evolution, extinction, and how we are all going to die.
So if your looking for something to do in Los Angeles tonight we highly recommend you go check this out.
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